Last year I
wrote a post about the possibility of a Black Hulk. It was all comedy because I kinda figured that no one would really publish the Hulk as an angry Black man. It seemed kind of redundant. I mean, if there's a Black Hulk then what happens to Luke Cage? Now it seems that Marvel Comics has decided their Ultimate Universe Comics. The issue in question, ULTIMATE COMICS AVENGERS 2 #3, written by Mark Millar, is not out yet but the cover is. I'd be interested in hearing what you think about an African-American Hulk. Doesn't he kind of look like a cross between Mr. T and Luke Cage in this picture?

It also looks like half the Ultimate Avengers are African-American now.
This looks pretty interesting but he does look like Mr T
I will admit that I have my reservations about this. I will give it a try to see what they do with the Black Hulk. But I am not too keen on the idea. Maybe it's my general aversion to the Ultimate Universe on a whole.
They didn't have to hood him out. And what's with the Spike-Lee-Do-The-Right-Thing-Radio-Raheem-Ring? I'll give it a look though.
it also looks like Mike Tyson
yea, he didn't need to be hooded out, but let's see if there's a reason for that
Mike Tyson. LOL There's no way Bulk could be a brutal hulk without being a stereotype. Which means he's just going to be a big, strong black guy. As you said, Marvel already has enough to be redundant. Why not make a super-smart black superhero like Mr. Fantastic? I do love the Ultimate series though.
I will hold out hope, that later on he will be revealed to be highly intelligent, like Professor Hulk. After all, you can't be uneducated and travel around the world like this one has...
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