Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Ebony White

You've probably already seen the trailer for the new movie about a superhero called The Spirit. I looks like it might be interesting or so I thought until I did a little digging. In case you don't know, Will Eisner's The Spirit is a noir crime drama about a masked crimefighter of the same name that first showed up in the 1940s. What does that have to do with Black Superheroes?



Anonymous said...

Good job on the research. Not being familiar with the Spirit, this information is a surprise to me but based on when this comic got started, it's not unexpected.

Darkness U.S.A said...

I was always surprised how Jewish artist that were kind of outcast themselves would make fun of black people in comics and films. And the excuse it was the times doesn't hold water because if it is wrong now it was wrong then. The same way gay people are being treated today