Thursday, October 8, 2009

Joseph Gauthier

The 1st day of the Long Beach Comic Con was great. While there I ran into Joseph Gauthier, the CEO of 10 Worlds Studio. He's the writer and creator of a comic called Lazarus: Immortal Coils. Check the preview. "LAZARUS: Immortal Coils #1, the first in a four-part miniseries starring the Biblical figure as an immortal warrior in a city built by demons where humans are used as hosts for an invasion." You can find out more here and on the official web site. Joseph was the first of many Black comic creators I had the pleasure of meeting at the con. Lazarus: Immortal Coils is the premier comic for this company and I encourage you to take a look.


Samax said...

WOW! that book looks GONZO! i'm gonna hafta get my hands on that! good stuff...
thanks for the heads-up!

BLESSD1 said...

Yo...I LOVED that preview. Co-sign w/Samax; I MUST get my grubby mitts on that book! Glad you promoted it here!