The very first Independent Black Super hero comic book that I remember reading was
Brotherman: Dictator of Discipline . I've just recently dusted off my original issues to reread them. The first time I read them I remember being amazed that Black people were writing their own comics but actually getting them published. Written and created by
Dawud Anyabwile and Guy A. Sims, and according to the website, "Brotherman made it’s debut at the New York Black expo in April 1990 and has independently sold 750,000 books within a four year span without a major publisher behind it"
Lucky for us, Brotherman is poised to make a comeback. Unfortunately I can find no date as to when that will actually happen but fear not. The collected issues are available for sale on the website and you can
download a digital copy of the very first issue of Brotherman: Dictator of Discipline for free. Now who wouldn't want a free comic book? It's like owning a piece of history.
I gotta see about this!
the original series (collected in three giant hardcover books) is available right now on their website.
this is the most influential comic on earth for black comics creators!
I've been waiting for this. Unfortunately, it's a bit pricey @ the moment, but I'll get it. I've got the first 10 issues, never could find #11 (though I eventually was able to download it from their site), but I'd love to have it all collected in book.
Check the myspace page!
I was just sent this link and as far as the release date on the all new graphic novel there is none specified yet because it is still in production.
Brotherman has been a labor of love since it's inception and was never bankrolled by the majors (any majors) where we can place a definitive date since the production is done on the grind and believe me . . . the team we have in place grinds. We are hoping to have it promoted by the end of the year and have a more definitive date. This book picks up where #11 left off yet it will be in a graphic novel form meaning much longer than the original 24 page series and we are going full color. so our intention is to give the fans something that is next level than what they knew yet it will maintain it's consistency.
We are planning a launch party for the trade paperbacks at the Art on 5 Gallery in Atlanta on July 31st at the first Official Brotherman Comics Art Show. We will be posting the info on that at our website very soon.
Thanks to all Brotherfans in the past who have helped it to get this far and a special thanks to all the newbies who have become new residents of Big City!
Dawud Anyabwile
Brotherman Comics Creator
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