"BARACK THE BARBARIAN: QUEST FOR THE TREASURE OF STIMULI: Devil's Due and Larry Hama (G.I. Joe, Wolverine) take political satire to a whole new level. Hama, a surprise hire to some, but not to those who truly know his tastes, will take a look at the current state of politics both past and present and isn't afraid to point fun at Washinton's sacred cows. In the distant future the story of Barack Obama has become a little... distorted. According to THE MADDOWIAN CHRONICLES he was the one destined to save the great republic of America and dethrone the overpaid despots of the time. Join Barack, Sorceress Hilaria, her demi-god trickster husband Biil, Overlord Boosh and Chainknee of the Elephant Kingdom. Who can the lone barbarian trust, if anyone?"
I guess MO is Red Sonja...LOL!
i'm saying this as a friend:
back away from the comic. put your debit card in your pocket and just back away...
don't buy that. it's bad for you. i can appreciate the appeal of President Obama as much as the next man, but please... that's no excuse to buy a bad comic. this looks like trash.
Wow! I had no idea you'd feel so strongly about this.
i like the idea of a comic like this, but this looks bad.
the Savage Dragon joints looked cool (i didn't buy them, either, but they looked decent). there's a weekly online comic strip called "President Awesome" that's really funny...
this just doesn't look that tight to me.
Haha! I'd buy it! It looks funny in an unintentional sort of way
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