I've never seen a comic book, movie, or animated series about this character but I have seen an action figure . . . online. This is what I remember:
Sun-Man fought the evil Pig-Face much like He-Man fought Skeletor. The similarities did not end there. Sun-Man seemed to have a variety of comrades each with unique and peculiar powers, again, like He-Man. In fact the only things that made Sun-Man worth remembering for me were his magical melanin skin and the story of how and why he came into being.
In real life, a woman named Yla Eason,wanted her son to have a Superhero action figure that looked like him, couldn't find one, and went about to create one for him. The 3-year old boy had told her that he could never be a Super-hero because all his action figures were White and he wasn't. Before she invented Sun-Man, one of the things Yla Eason is credited with doing is created the Bronze Bombers which were super hero action figures made out of GI-Joe molds but with the faces painted black. This reminded me of something my mother did. I didn't find out until I was an adult that all the story books she read to me and gave me to read as a child had all the faces and hands colored Black as well. She had done this for me and I had no idea. This is one of the reasons I value Yla Eason's contribution so highly.
All of this happened back in the 80's and now Sun-Man seems nowhere to be found except on E-Bay and in this
Web Comic. It gives me pleasure to remember him and his story and especially the people who made him possible. I wonder if he'll ever make a comeback. If you're interested, you can find out more about Sun-Man's story
here and
here as well as on the
official web site.
just too cool! i dig.
Good question. Though I never owned one, I do remember those ads and Jet and Ebony magazine way back when...
Holy crap! I remember almost buying some Sun-Man action figures from a K-Mart way back when. I wasn't sure, so we left the store. I then reconsidered, and begged my parents to take me back to get them. But alas, the store was closed. That was the first, last, and only time I ever saw any of those action figures. My loss, I suppose.
Anonymous is JOL Online on MySpace. Just so you know.
I have two Sun Man's and Pig Head, every Sun Man action Figure came with a comic book. Sun Man never carred a gun he had a sword. My Frist Sun Man I had since 1985 and is loose the other one is still in the box brand new so Pig Head. So heard to find any of these on line I would to get the whole set, just for the comics that they came with.
My mom use to sell sun man action figures in ny. for a lil while it was just sun man and pig face. at some point i remeber them adding a multi racial crew for sun man to role with. i might still have a box of them somewhere back home gotta check
Just cleaned out my attic and found several sunman book an autographed copy that was sent for for my son and two dolls. How about that!
Yo, not only was there a Sun Man Doll, they had a actor, rather a real live SunMan who promoted the comic and doll line..when i find out who he is will let you know, he starred in some movies during that time period...I had a signed photo/poster of him and one doll..forced it on my nephew on some "black tip" and wound up losing it...anyway would like to purchase anything out there
Yes @ Kevin, there was an actor who promoted Sun Man. His name is Leon Stephenson. He appeared in Krush Groove, Beat Street. Also Cosby Mysteries.
There is a photo of the whole team over here. It was ten of them all together.
Yea mon, everything nice. Greetings to all the Sun Man fans. I am one and have been since 1985 when I purchased my one and only Olmec toy. Recently my Sun Man's sword disappeared. Is there anyone out there with an extra Sun Man sword? or one that you are willing to sell?
I still have mine
Greetings All! JF here! I was the original artist for the Sun-Man mini-comic book back in 1985! I gotta say, it was a Great joy and honor to work with Ms. Eason and The Olmec Company. They really had a unique product! And here we are almost thirty years later, STILL talking about Sun-Man, Pig-Head and The Rulers of the Sun! FANTASTIC!!!
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